Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips For 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s+

Don’t quit the pages thinking this is not related to me! This skin care routine covers facts important for women above 25 years. You may consider women who are above 50 as aged. But do you know that your skin and hair starts aging once you reach 25? It is important to start the fight against aging as soon as you reach 25. If you want to stay young forever, here are the important anti-aging skin care tips for the ’20s, ’30s, ’40s, and ’50s+.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

Our Skin at the ’20s

skin care tips 20 plus Our skin at the ’20s is not the same as the one at ’40s, the skin at 40 is not the same as at the ’60s. By the start of the ’20s, the skin cells stop getting replenished and stop getting moisturized. Instead of the softness, the skin starts getting dry and fine lines to start appearing. There is a reduction in the production of Elastin and Collagen (the proteins responsible for the health and beauty of the skin. The main reason for this is the sunlight. If you are stepping into the 30s it is essential to reduce your exposure to sunlight and drink at least 2 ½ liters of water.

Our Skin at the ’30s

skin care tips 30 plus

When you are stepping into 30’s fine lines start appearing under the eyes. Skin becomes dry.  Red and brown spots, puffiness under the eyes, fine lines around the mouth and forehead start appearing. This is due to the further reduction in the secretion of Elastin and collagen.

Our Skin at the ’40s

skin care tips 40 plus

After reaching 40 years of age, treatment of skin problems and reversing of aging is very difficult. When you try to reduce your weight at this age damages the facial skin and makes you look aged. Due to the lack of secretion of Elastin and Collagen skin loses its rigidity and looks dull. Wrinkles and the fine lines are deeper.

Our Skin at the ’50s

skin care tips 50 plus

At 50 years of age, the wrinkles and fine lines are very much visible. This is the menopause period and the effects of hormonal change affect the skin.

These are age related to natural changes. If you follow a proper skin care regime from a young age, these changes can get delayed you can continue to look young for a long time.

What Can Be Done to Delay Aging Proces?

  • Apply cleanser, toner, and moisturizer daily.
  • Avoid high-fat diet. Consume a lot of unpolished grains, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Half your consumption of salt and sugar.
  • Consume a lot of soy-based food. Soya helps to control the level of Oestrogen hormone during menopause.
  • Walnut, Brazil nuts and Almonds have anti-aging properties.
  • Tomato, Papaya, kiwi, orange, grapes, Pomegranate, Avocado, spinach, beetroot, green tea, and dark chocolate helps you to look young. 

Treatments Can Be Done At The Parlors

Anti-aging treatment can be of two type’s preventive treatments or to rectify the damage that has already been done. ‘Age-defense’ facial can be done at parlors if you are above 28 years. This protects the skin from wrinkles and aging.

If you haven’t taken care of your skin when you were young and age has already started creeping in when you are 40 plus, you can undergo ‘Age reversal’ facial. Cleanser, massage cream, and serum used in this facial contain collagen. As a result of this skin becomes rigid and looks younger.

Treatments Can Be Done At Home

  • Wash your face with soap-free face wash and moisturizer before going to sleep at night.
  • Use sunscreen with moisturizing properties and S.P.F above 15.
  • Apply oats powder mixed with honey on your face and neck and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off by rubbing with your fingers.
  • A paste of gram flour, pureed tomato, and lemon juice can be applied on the face and neck twice a week.

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